FREE Pro Themes
As Premier partners with BlogEngine.NET, Winhost customers can get all the BlogEngine Pro Themes for FREE.
After installing BlogEngine on Winhost, you can request your FREE Pro Themes from the BlogEngine website.
Easily customizable
BlogEngine.NET has numerous downloadable themes, widgets, and extensions. And it's easy to make your blog look and function exactly how you'd like with some basic .NET skills.
Plug 'n play
Comments are a very important part of a blog, so BlogEngine.NET features a very advanced commenting system in AJAX that supports country flags, live preview, Gravatars, coComments — all of which can easily be modified in the admin section.
Advanced comment system
BlogEngine.NET has numerous downloadable themes, widgets, and extensions. And it's easy to make your blog look and function exactly how you'd like with some basic .NET skills.
Multi-author support
BlogEngine.NET fully supports multiple authors to write posts on the same blog. Visitors are then able to subscribe to the individual author's RSS feed or view only the posts from their favorite author.